Friday, October 23, 2009


hey y'all. this week has been one full of lazy days in sweatpants, and i have LOVED every second of it! :) krista actually had to get very firm with me last night telling me to get out of my sweatpants and get to church! :) it was nice to get dressed... i even put on some heels!

anyways, today is my three month anniversary and i can't believe it! it seems like forever, but at the same time it feels like yesterday. we have little squabbles every few days (today was not immune either) but we generally get over things pretty quickly (at least i do), and we go on with our lives. we have had A LOT of time together this week, and it's been fun. i do look forward to getting back to work though and not feeling completely useless.

anyways, that's been my week. some tv, a new book, the gym just about every day, and lots of time with the hubby. love it :)

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