so for teachers, the stretch between labor day and fall break is the longest and most torturous. it just drags and drags and drags. once you get over that hump, then it's smooth sailing. only a month til thanksgiving, three weeks after that is christmas, followed by MLK day, presidents' day, spring break, then the push til the end of the year. i am SO ready for fall break. i am exhausted, over the 500 excuses i hear every day about why homework isn't done, and if i never hear "i don't get it" one more time, i might be the happiest teacher ever. ugh, even i don't want to be around my bad attitude. :)
on a happier note, Laela has mastered standing for however long she wants. she is now working on trying to dance while standing, and taking more than two steps without face planting into a piece of furniture, door frame, wall, or floor. she started clapping yesterday, signs "milk, more, help, up, hi/bye," and is working on "kitty and love." Lae is actually starting to show interest in more than boobie, and gobbles up anything i give her (except baby food). her favorites are grated pears, graham crackers, and string cheese. she also loves sweet potato fries. she is starting to get trim and fit since she runs around so much, and her weight gain has slowed. she was weighed and measured today and is a whopping 22.5 lbs, and just over 28 inches long. poor baby is also working on 4 teeth... count them... FOUR teeth right now. makes for some interesting nights.
funny story for you. tonight she blew out her diaper right before her bath, so i cleaned her all up and plopped her on the floor to go draw said bath. silly mommy for thinking that since she had JUST taken a diaper off her baby that she was safe with a naked kid running around for a few minutes.... NOT SAFE! she was cruising along her crib when she stops, looks at me, and starts PEEING! she is totally intrigued by it and watches. then she looks up at me and starts laughing! i know i shouldn't have, but i burst out laughing and cleaned it up as quick as i could. at least i know she didn't pee in the bathtub. :) gosh i love that girl...
now she's sleeping like the sweet angel that she is... for now... :)