Sunday, May 23, 2010

picking bones...


i have a few bones to pick, but i don't want to bog you down with too many at once so we will do one at a time. here we go...

bone #1: health care

dear mr. president, at first i thought maybe... just maybe... this was a good idea. i have friends from canada that told me how affordable health care is up there. however, they then told me that the health care is second to that here in the united states, and that they come here to get most procedures done. then i started hearing how much money it was going to cost us (taxpayers) for you to have your sweet health care bill, and i got even more upset. please allow me to give you a simple lesson in economics...

raise taxes = more people lose jobs because business owners cannot afford to have many employees, demand goes down because people don't have any money to spend, and thus we fall even deeper into a depression than we already are. oh and you can thank your friends the clintons for the housing crisis... probably not such a good idea to meddle in our open and free market and tell bankers to lend to those with lower income and lower credit scores... because what happens when the economy goes sour and people get laid off? oh yeah... they walk away from their responsibilities

lower taxes = more money floating around in the market, more jobs because businesses can afford to hire people, and demand thus supply goes up... therefore pulling us out of the depression that we are in... it's not that hard to wrap your head around

now that your economics lesson is over, here is my advice... if you are going to insist upon killing us with more taxes than we already pay, why not pour the money into something worthwhile... like, say, education. that way we can teach the rising generation to get a good education in order to get a good job that can provide them with healthcare... or let's just do it your way, teaching everyone to walk around with their hands out waiting for someone else to do it for them. let's teach them the value of good, hard work to get ahead, instead of instilling even further the "entitlement" mindset that everyone has these days.

stay tuned for:
arizona drivers
glenn beck haters
the makers of 8: the mormon proposition
those in opposition to SB 1070

disclaimer: this is not in any way meant to offend anyone. we are all entitled to our opinions. if you disagree, i respect your constitutional right to do so, and i expect the same in return. that is the beauty of our constitution... if that even means anything anymore.


  1. Amen, Karly! I agree with you 100%!

  2. What do we mean by healthcare is second?... The basis for most healthcare plans in the States comes from your tax bracket. The failure here (and nobody burn me for this) is the capitalist system, wherein anyone can name their price for basic needs such as food, water and healthcare. Basic human needs are still seen as a commodity. As for the taxes, we pay for our healthcare up in Canada through that, yes, but it seems a small price for always being able to see a doctor or have something 'done' as you say. Neither system is perfect and, I have to say, the constitution didn't start to really degrade 'til dubya, wherein he changed things to match his whims. Just sayin'.

  3. preach on preacher! i totally disagree with people like maille k and totally agree with you. obama is a joke and the sooner he is out of office the better, and the more we start following the constitution the better.
