Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day 17-Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

I have been letting this simmer for about three days now and I still can't think of anyone! I know that I would never want to switch with a "celebrity" sort just because I know I would be SO annoyed with the attention... though the money would be nice.

Ok, I think that did it for me... I know! While it would be very tempting to switch with someone really rich so I could know what it feels like to not ever have to worry about how my bills are going to get paid... such as during my unpaid maternity leave...

I think I would rather switch places with someone that lives in "el campo de México"... someone like her...

That way I could speak Spanish all day, I would see what it was like to live off the land still, I would eat AMAZING food, and I would see a simple yet fulfilled life. Sometimes I feel like I "need" so much more than I actually do. I think an experience like that would really put things in perspective for me and make me more grateful for the wonderful life that I do have.

So that's that :)


  1. would you be in el campo with the money you have now or with campo money? cuz campo money means eating beans and rice most days. and they fry the rice, so it makes you fat. awesome. i'm laughing right now. not at you. at me. i'm too much the realist.

  2. I have always wanted to spend about a month in an Amish community living according to the Ordnung. I want to know what it would be like to live without the modern conveniences in such a tight knit community. I am always so fascinated by the novels I read about the Amish communities.
