Saturday, September 12, 2009

one of those uh-oh moments

so i just had to share this story. yesterday on the plane the FUNNIEST thing happened! i was in row 6 on the right side of the plane, and behind me was a mom with her adorable baby. the mom was a bit edgy, but i got to watch the baby sleep while the mom went to the restroom right before we took off. i am a little baby hungry right now, but that's neither here nor there. anyways, on the other side of the aisle in seats 7A and 7B are this brother and sister returning to their parents in phoenix, from who knows where. the brother was 11, the sister was i think around 9, and needless to say it was an interesting flight. at one point they were singing silly camp songs, which i'm sure the rest of the plane really appreciated, but for the most part they were just talking to each other and havin a good old time. when the baby started to wake up, the two kids struck up a conversation with the mom behind me by saying how cute the baby was, yada yada yada. and for the last 20 minutes of the flight they talked... loudly. and of course i was so amused that i eavesdropped the whole time... well i think the whole plane did, because i'm sure they could hear them. anyways, long story short, here are three of my favorite parts of this conversation.

random mom: hey do you know what this does? (it was a webkin) someone gave it to me for my daughter. (weird because the baby is like two months old max)
brother: oh yeah! (goes into a detailed explanation of what it is-->apparently an online pet that you take care of) you might want to save it for her when she's older because i think she might now understand (said in all seriousness about a two month old baby)
sister: i have 28 of them, i LOVE them!
brother: i used to like them, but now that i'm 11 i'm kinda over them... it's like a younger boy/girl thing.

next and MOST favorite part of the conversation
random mom: we are going out to phoenix so that (insert baby's name here) can meet her aunt pam and uncle allen.
sister: hey! we have an uncle allen!
brother: yeah but my parents are like hiding him right now because he should be in jail.
random mom: yeah you probably shouldn't tell people that

a little bit later...
brother: i got suspended from school once for cheating on a test
random mom: oh you shouldn't do that. you don't want to end up like your uncle allen.
brother: i hate my uncle allen. he has six kids and he tortured all of them.
random mom: yeah that's another thing you might not want to tell people.

pretty much the best plane ride of my life!

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