Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day 12-How you found out about blogger and why you have one

this will be short, and probably boring. it's been a long and busy week, and i'm tired. i discovered blogger after my mission because my sisters both had blogs. i held out for awhile because i was trying to rebel against the influx of technology, but alas... i broke down. :) i had one blog for over a year, but got tired of that one, so i started this one. to be honest, i don't know why i have one. i have no angle, i am no julie/julia, pioneer woman, or nienie... but i guess i have something to say sometimes, and this is a forum to say it. it makes me feel good that friends and family follow the blog and are interested in those things i have to say. :) maybe one day i can be a pioneer woman and make millions off my blog... anything is possible right? :)

1 comment:

  1. It's also an electronic journal. You're obeying the commandments and keeping your family apprised of the going on in your life all at the same time. Way to go!!
